Every year the Block and Bridle Club donates a percentage of their profits from the rodeo to Cancer Services of Baton Rouge. The Block and Bridle Club hosts a service event for the children of Cancer Services on the Saturday morning of the open rodeo. The kids are able to participate in rodeo-type events that are adapted for them. We set up different stations where the children and their families can travel around the coliseum and take part in the rodeo fun. Some of the stations include: stick horse barrel racing, roping calf dummies, pony rides, petting zoos, and western crafts to name a few.
The rest of the profits from rodeo benefit the advancement of the LSU Ag Center Career Closet and the LSU Block and Bridle Club. Such money will support our travels to National Block and Bridle Convention, our Little International Livestock Show, our end of the year banquet, and increase the production of next year's rodeo.
We were hoping that you would like to purchase a sponsorship. All sponsorships include some sort of advertisement, be it as small as a business card or as big as a banner on the arena gates. Prices range from $50-$2000.
Have a question? Contact us here!
Ready to become a sponsor? Fill out this form!
Send the completed form to blockandbridle@lsu.edu